Original Xbox LED Mod

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This is one of my first designs for the original Xbox console and is also a fan favorite to this very day! I kept the case plain and did not use any flashy paint jobs. I did this because it shows off the most important part of this original Xbox LED mod, the LEDs! If you would like to learn more, I will go into more details about this LED mod below!

The Custom case

As I mentioned before, I wanted to keep the case simple. I added the four window mods and left the original factory finish on because I wanted to show off the insides of the console and the LEDs more than I did the case. As you can see, the result was clean and crisp. This original Xbox LED mod serves it's purpose and the theme that I wanted, I wanted you to be able to see the insides of the console when the console was off before you noticed anything else, and I wanted the LED lights to POP when the console is on. Most of my fans and viewers want the same effect, which is why I made alot of resources for you guys! I made a full set of tutorials on how to case mod your original Xbox console. Additionally many viewers have trouble making these original Xbox LED mods on thier own, which is why I also make these same case kits that include the LED kit for my viewers!

Get a pre-made kit just like this one! CLICK HERE!

The Interior LEDs

Now for the big banana of this original Xbox LED mod, the interior LED lights. The issue I had for the longest time modding the original Xbox console were the LED lights. The only LED kits you can find were small and not very bright. They are really designed for clear cases instead of an LED mod like this one. Not to mention the fact that they were over $20 dollars each. Which seemed crazy because most of the time these things only had 4 tiny LED lights in one kit. That is why I just make my own LED kits. The cool thing about my design is that there are 12 LED lights in the whole kit, 3 times as many as others I found. I also divided the LED lights into four sections which means I could space them out and light the inside of the console EVENLY instead of just having one or two areas that are lit up well. It just works better for original Xbox LED mods. I have found my viewers had the same complaint about other LED kits which is why I now offer these to my fans as well!

Get an awesome LED kit for your LED mod! CLICK HERE!

The custom power button

The power button is often over-looked when it comes to making and designing an original Xbox LED mod. If you ask me, there is nothing worse than seeing an amazing case design and bright LED lights and notice that the power button is still just that plain old green that every original Xbox console has. If you consider how simple it is to change the power button and how cheap they are, it makes it that much worse when you see someone didn't take the time to do it. For this reason I made a simple tutorial which you can find here on the site and I also offer pre-made power buttons to my viewers as well!

Get a pre-modded power button! CLICK HERE!

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