Custom Original Xbox Shell

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Pretty unique isn't it?

This custom original Xbox shell had a lot of thought and love put into the design. I used a unique lightening bolt window cut-out around the center Xbox jewel. I also did a full gloss blue paint job to the shell and topped it off with super bright white LED lights inside the shell itself. Lastly, I changed the front power button LED colors to red! If you want to learn more about each of these parts, I will go into more detail below!

The Custom shell

I wanted a custom original Xbox shell that was a little different than most shells and custom consoles you see out there. That is when I came up with the idea to use the lightening bolts, which are both original and look really cool! I also decided to paint this shell which is something I don't normally do on the original Xbox. I decided that a unique custom shell like this deserves a cool paint job too! While this kit was a one time build and not something I reproduce, it obviously shows the capabilities AND possibilities with custom original Xbox shells! I have a lot of viewers ask me where they can get custom shells for their original Xbox which is why I now offer all kinds of resources for people looking for their own custom shell! I have made multiple tutorials on How to case mod your original Xbox console. Some people also have issues making their own custom original Xbox shells which is why I also offer pre-made kits for those of you who have that problem. In fact I make a complete custom shell kit that includes the shell and even an LED kit!

Get a custom original Xbox shell kit! CLICK HERE!

The Interior LEDs

Another cool feature of this Custom original Xbox shell is the interior accent LED lights. They make all the difference in this project and look amazing during any time of the day, but especially night and in darker rooms. If you notice, the color and brightness of the LED lights come out pretty strong. There are no areas on the window mod that look unlit or dark. The reason these LED lights look so great is the LED kit I use itself. I had alot of issues with the LED lights you could buy from other sources, they were not bright, they usually only worked for clear cases and they were expenisve too. This is why I started making my own. These kits are split up into more sections and also use a higher MCD rated light. This allows me to have the lighting placed evenly through the custom original Xbox shell and have just an all around better look. I now offer these same exact kits to my viewers!

Get the LED kit just like this one! CLICK HERE!

The custom power button

Something else that may not stand out as much but can still add great effect to your custom original Xbox shell is the custom power button. Changing the light color on this is a great little mod for the console. It isn't difficult to install, and it isn't expensive either. If you do the mod yourself or buy one that is pre-made, you won't spend much to get it done.

Get a custom power button! CLICK HERE!

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