Playstation 1 FAQ

Finding a 12v power source on a PS1 console

We have seen this question several times. To start, different PS1 models have different designs. This means that having a multimeter is important here. These are realitively cheap devices (Under 10.00 USD) and can be used to find and test power sources on the PS1 console.

12v sources

Finding a 12v power source on the PS1 console can technically be done, but there is only one 12v source, and it is not a reliable power source. One of the solder joints under the PS1 console power cable plug will run at 12V. There are two problems with using this power source. For one, the nature of this 12v power source means that any LED Light connected to it would run all the time, even if the PS1 console is turned off. Next, connecting LED lights to a power source that connects directly to this area is risky because this area is not protected from power surge. This is an area connected directly to the power cable. Any jump in power to that solder connection would then go to your LED Lights as well. If the voltage goes up 5, 10, 15 volts or more, it will fry all your LED Lights and resistors.

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